World Glaucoma Week is a major collaboration between the World Glaucoma Association and the World Glaucoma Patient Association.
This series of activities globally alerts people to have regular eye (and optic nerve) checks to detect glaucoma earlier, thus contributing to sight preservation.
Glaucoma is the leading cause of avoidable blindness in Australia, affecting over 300,000 Australians, yet it is estimated that 50% of those living with glaucoma are undiagnosed
Who is at risk?
Although anyone may develop glaucoma, some people have a higher risk – they are people who:
- have a family history of glaucoma
- have high eye pressure
- are aged over 50
- are of African or Asian descent
- have diabetes
- have myopia (nearsighted)
- have been on a prolonged course of cortisone (steroid) medication
- experience migraines
- have had an eye operation or eye injury
- who have a history or high or low blood pressure
(Abridged: NHMRC Guidelines, 2010)
For more information about World Glaucoma Week visit:
For more information about Glaucoma visit Glaucoma Australia’s webpage: